
Sash Mob! Windows Workshop


Thank You to our Partners

Join us August 2 – 3 for this awesome wood windows workshop weekend!

They’re caked with paint, riddled with cracked glass, drafty, and they’ve been stuck shut longer than you’ve been alive. If we’ve described the window situation in your historic house, then it’s time to do something about it, and we don’t mean replace them.

Continuing Education

This 2-day workshop series offers up to 14 AIA HSW continuing education credits in total!

Friday and Saturday Hands-On Workshop

If you’ve ever wanted to learn about making your old windows functional, energy efficient, or just more attractive; or, if you’re ready to tackle your own windows DIY project, but don’t know where to begin, then the weekend hands-on workshop is the answer for you! Over the course of two days, you will learn about:
– the basics of window anatomy,
– freeing up your stuck windows,
– installing weather stripping,
– repairing weight ropes and chains,
– cutting and replacing glass, and
– re-glazing window sash.

Find more information and register for the weekend HERE!

Event Location

This weekend workshop will be held at a property currently held by the Lucas County Land Bank,

625 Collins Street
Toledo, OH 43610


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