
South Charleston


Current Name of Theater: Heritage Commission Corporation
Current Type: Historical Society, Theater
Seats: not fixed?
Web site: http://heritagecommission.com
Historic Names of Theater: South Charleston Opera House
Address: 147 W Mound St, South Charleston, OH 45368
Year Built:
Original Architect
Original Cost
Listed on National Register:

History of Theater
The vision for the late 1980s restoration of this 19th century Opera House came from local resident and historian, George Berkhofer. Through his efforts, along with those of many like minded recruits, the Opera House was transformed from a leaking storage hall back into a true show piece of late Victorian architecture.
Since 1989 the Opera House has been available for special event rental. In 2004, for example, the South Charleston Opera House was the venue for a world-wide televised CNN “Town Hall” Special focusing on the Presidential debates.

Each year the increasingly famous South Charleston Opera House Players comedy troupe present shows of stupendous theatrics and costume. As of 2012 our alumni of Players has grown to over 100 actors spanning 25 years of shows.
Cost of Rehabilitation:
Source of Funds:
Renovation Story:
