
Seneca County Courthouse Webcam

Live Cam from Seneca County Courthouse demolition
A sad day for all of Ohio; the demolition of Seneca County Courthouse scheduled to begin today.  A day that will be regretted by Ohioans for decades.


11 Responses to “Seneca County Courthouse Webcam”
  1. Constance Alsip says:

    Tearing down this great old courthouse is a travesty. The people who live here in Tiffin are justifiable horrified. Our courthouse was built shortly after the civil war, and refurbishment would have been cheaper than tearing the great old girl down. Anyone who votes for any of these commissioners, except for Ben Nutter, should be ashamed.
    I feel betrayed by the government at this point. The trust has been broken, and after today, there is NO going back.

    • Jim says:

      Seneca County residents voted down a levy to restore the courthouse. If the residents aren’t going to pay for their own building, it’s not fair to use state tax dollars or Federal tax dollars (in the form of grants) to do so. A community is its people, not its buildings.

    • mike says:

      Give it a rest already!!! Where exactly are the first few court house now?!? GONE. Look up the definition of progress!

    • Howard says:

      Don’t blame it on the commissioners they tried to save the building but you the people of Seneca County voted down the the funding. If the building cant be fixed due to lack of funding then why leave a building sit vacent. You will have brat kids breaking in to it and vandalizing the place etc. You are better off tearing it down. There comes a point in time to where you need to take out the old and bring in the new.

    • Howard says:

      Its you the people of seneca county that voted down the levy to fix the court house. So don’t blame the commissioners blame your own people. Why leave a building sit vacant. If you do that then you will have brat kids breaking in to it and vandalizing it etc. Out with the old and in with the new.

  2. devin says:

    Mike, we’re a little confused on how wanting to save a historic building that is part of a community’s history amounts to communism. And how is tearing a perfectly functional building progress? Could the court system no longer function as a body in this building? As for people stirring stuff up, isn’t the freedom to express one’s opinion a fundamental part of our democracy? Shouting down dissenting opinions because they ruffle our feathers is quite the opposite of democratic.
    Also, your last comment was removed for vulgar language. I ask that you make your opinions appropriate for our audience.

    • Don says:

      It seems to me the democratic thing happened. The popular vote was against renovation, (twice). If you don’t like the result get the votes to change it, otherwise you just look like a sore loser.

    • mike says:

      My sincere apologies for such inappropriate language…didn’t mean to offend. I keep forgetting that its been years since I was in the serviced the very fact the freedom of speech amongst Joe Q public is way different than the REAL FREEDOM OF SPEECH I once knew and loved while I was in the Corps. I keep forgetting that most folks like having a load of bs dumped in their lap if its been perfumed. just so. Like it or not, speech still is free in this country, whether someone chooses to sensor it….well that’s a whole new topic altogether isn’t it.
      If I remember my post correctly the reference to communism stated that in a communist country the wants of a few outweighs the wishes of the many ie the courthouse mallarky…WE THE PEOPLE voted on this and WE THE MAJORITY wanted the sucker knocked down. End of story. Why is it you never have such a long and ongoing bunch of whining to the media when the guy ya voted for didn’t become president??? Pointless right? Well in my opinion it’s pointless to whine about something the.majority voted on in this instance.

  3. Tim says:

    A town without a future.
    Soon without a past!

  4. stacey says:

    I voted against the levies and was for the removal of the courthouse. I thought it was an eyesore that was run down. With any remodeling projects there are cost overruns. With this one it would have been astounding as the upkeep was poor. The design was poor with steps in the center of the building. I am just curious as to why none of the judges chimed in to save the courthouse. I imagine it was the drafts, the elevators, ancient wiring noncopatable with computers. That being said everyone has a right to their opinion and I respect those that respectfully disagree with me. Personally, I am glad it is over…I was tired of 44 hijacking the will of the people. If you were going to remodel it you had to remodel it with a copper dome…impossible or you would have what we had today and decided to remove.

  5. Nicole says:

    NEWS FLASH: the court house is being torn down! GIVE IT A REST PEOPLE, GET A LIFE AND MOVE ON! I have alwasy hoped the best for future generations however at the way these “adults” have been acting how can we expect our children to grow up and act responsible! Really I have heard some doozy’s! People of Tiffin grow up. The problem did not just start it was a on going problem for the past 30-50 years. Had the beautiful building been taken care of all along we would not be seing the mess we see now. Who’s FAULT is it….take a number!!! What is rediculous is the waste that went down w/the building and the huge amount of money that is being spent to take it down when there were other options. Would that money been better spent….HECK YEAH!!!! Tiffin GET A CLUE!!! YES I AM FROM TIFFIN.