
Financial Tools & Incentives for Downtown Revitalization: Historic Preservation Tax Credits and the Main Street Approach Workshop

Wednesday, June 7th – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
OJ Work Auditorium – Wadsworth

Join us for a conversation about community development, and how to create vibrant downtowns and thriving communities through the Main Street approach. Then, participate in a deep-dive discussion on the Federal and State Historic Preservation Tax Credit programs for historic building rehabilitation. Learn how to qualify, apply, and use the financing tools you need to breathe new life into your historic structures.


9:30 AM: Registration & Morning Refreshments

10:00 AM: An overview of community revitalization, and the role of preservation and revitalization in community pride and quality of life. Introduction to the Ohio Main Street Program for sustainable downtown revitalization – Heritage Ohio Staff

11:00 AM : Understanding the National Register of Historic Places

11:30 AM: Overview of the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program

12:30 PM: Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 PM: The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program 

2:00 PM: The Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program

3:00 PM: Q&A