
Preparing a Successful Bid for State Capital Budget Dollars Webinar

Monday, September 16th – 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Presented in partnership with Greater Ohio Policy Center & Ohio Facilities Construction Commission

With the passage of the state’s main operating budget, attention now turns to the state Capital Appropriations Budget, which will be introduced and passed in early 2020. The capital budget provides communities with the opportunity to seek state funding assistance for projects that involve the acquisition, construction, equipment, or renovation of buildings and other facilities that meet a defined “public purpose.” Communities – especially Ohio’s weaker market and smaller communities – must be prepared to “make their case” to secure funds for catalytic projects in their community.

This webinar will:
• Provide communities with a “101 on the Capital Budget”
• Highlight examples of small communities utilizing capital budget dollars for thoughtfully-planned projects, including their planning steps and process to secure funds
• Allow time for a Q&A for communities to ask questions


Jason Warner

As the Manager of Government Affairs for the Greater Ohio Policy Center, Jason is responsible for representing GOPC at the Ohio Statehouse, advocating for the issues and policy positions central to the organization’s mission.

Jason brings more than 15 years of experience working in and around Ohio state government. For more than eight years, he served as a legislative aide in the Ohio House of Representatives. For the past eight years, Jason has worked as a policy advocate, working on issues including education, housing, transportation, community revitalization and brownfield redevelopment.

Jessica DeLong Bachman


As the Grants Administrator for the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission, Jessica is responsible for approving appropriations for cultural projects in the biennial capital budget. Jessica has been working for the State of Ohio for 10 years, approving construction projects at cultural facilities throughout the entire state.